




Association of Modellers of Slovak Republic

Aeromodelling Club Zabokreky nad Nitrou


  • Date:

21. September 2024       Hogo Cup              (World cup)

22. September 2024       Zabokreky Cup     (World cup)

Place: Airfield Rajcany, 10 km west of Partizanske
Classes: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q + F1H - Euro Challenge Event, FAI rules, no official timekeepers.
Jury: The three members of international jury.
Contest Director: Ing. Ivan BEZAK
Entry fee:

35,- Eur/sen.,   25,- Eur/jun.     F1H:  25,- Eur/sen.,  15,- Eur/jun.  

The fee includes refreshments, sausage, gulas + beer party.

Additional category: 10,- EUR – senior, 5,- EUR – jun.
Entry fee payment at the registration.  
Entry application: on line registration : 

Phone: +421 907 480 222   Ivan Bezak
Protest: According to FAI rules with 30,- EUR fee to the Contest Director.
Schedule: 08.00 - 09.30  registration on the airfield
  09.30 - 10.45  1. Round (240s)    F1H (120)
  10.45 - 11.45  2. Round (180s)
  11.45 - 12.45  3. Round (180s)
  12.45 - 13.45  4. Round (180s)
  13.45 - 15.00  5. Round (240s)

​16.00     1. Fly off

17.00     2. Fly off



20.00 - Airport Male Bielice - Aerocafe Bar

              Gulasch + Beer Party + Price ceremony


Airfield Rajcany:   

48.6340369N    18.2273406E
48°38'02.5"N   18°13'38.4"E

Airport Male Bielice:

48.6233614N    18.3377564E
​48°37'24.1"N   18°20'15.9"E



Welcome to HOGO Cup and ZABOKREKY Cup 2024!